Our Repeaters


147.340+ PL 100 TX and RX    444.200+ PL 107.2 TX and RX

Club Repeaters have been updated.

We have Internet.

The Genesee County Radio Club owns and operates two repeaters that cover the greater Flint area. Both repeaters are located on top of the Hurley Hospital in Flint and are maintained by members of the radio club. The repeaters each consist of a modified Motorola MTR2000.

The VHF repeater has a TX RX SYSTEMS 28-37-02A, 6 cavity duplexer and a dual band vertical by Comet.
The 70cm repeater has a 4 cavity Wacom Model WP-678 duplexer and a commercial 70cm antenna that was donated to the club.
Both repeaters are controlled by AllStarLink Hamvoip software running on individual Raspberry PI 3 B+ computers with modified Startech Soundcards. Both have registered AllStar Nodes, 2 meter 574420 and 70 cm 574421 and the 2 meter repeater has Echolink registered node 923404, W8ACW-R and can be accessed several different ways, RF, Internet, Cell Phone App, Laptop or Desktop App, VOIP desk phone.
If you are out of range for normal RF access from your HT or Mobile and would like to connect there are several ways to accomplish this with good sounding audio. One of the really nice things about VOIP is the audio is full duplex so you can hear if you are doubling with someone.

Both repeaters are normally linked and open to any licensed amateur radio operator to use at any time, we do ask that you follow the repeater etiquette and Part 97 rules pertaining to repeater use.
To find out more about the repeaters please join the club.

Repeater Etiquette:

· Basics:

  • When using phone mode speak in plain English.
  • Use the correct official phonetic alphabet when identifying.
  • Listen to see if the frequency is in use before you call. If in doubt, ask, "Is the frequency in use your call".
  • Don't call CQ, just "your call Listening".
  • Use "Break" only in emergencies.
  • To interrupt give your call sign between the other stations transmissions.
  • Acknowledge a station interrupting and turn it over to them as soon as possible. It just might be an emergency.
  • Pause between transmissions to hear the squelch tail of the repeater to let someone else in.
  • If several hams are talking pass it off by saying the person's name or call to pass it off to.
  • If you wonder if you can hit the repeater, don't kerchunk it. Give "your call testing".
  • Run on the lowest necessary power to operate, but don't try to call in on a very low power HT when everyone tells you it is unreadable. Increase your power. Ask for a signal report before you go too much further with your conversation. Remember that the goal is quality communications.

    Basic repeater traffic priorities:
  1. Emergency and Priority Traffic.
  1. System test or maintenance.
  1. Public Service
  1. Fixed stations should ensure that mobiles and portable stations have priority
    (especially if you can go to simplex).
  1. Fixed stations.
  • Follow FCC identification rules. You have to do it every 10 minutes but not necessary to start a conversation with a local station.
  • Remember that nothing is private on the air. If you have something private to talk about use the telephone (on both ends).
  • Don't think out loud, your mind may be in idle but the repeater could be used during that time.
  • Use extreme caution and it is even better not to repeat what you hear on police frequencies over the repeater. There are laws concerning the public dissemination of information from scanners. 
  • Nets
  • The Net Control is called that because that is what they are supposed to be, in control.
  • Call when called upon unless you are declaring an emergency. If you are late then wait for the call for late check-ins.
  • If you would like to sign up for Net Control please sign in and click on Net Control-Sign up.